ASASP's first negotiating team in 1989.
The Association of Supervisory and Administrative Personnel (ASASP) was founded in 1989 as the Association of School-Based Administrators. The concept of the union was developed by several school administrators as a means of taking charge of their working conditions, contractual rights and negotiations which had previously been conducted by the local NEA affiliated teacher's union. There had been increasing discontent among school administrators who felt they were not being adequately represented by that union.
Attempts at forming such a union had failed twice in the previous twelve years due to administrator's reluctance to let of the teacher-based union and the fear of the unknown. By 1989, the control exercised by the teacher's union was deeply resented as administrator's were seeing themselves as having unaddressed and unique professional concerns and needs. In order to form their own bargaining unit, a vote had to be taken among those affected and the teacher's union was defeated by a 2 to 1 margin, despite the flow of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the NEA and its state and local affiliates.
During the summer of 1989, the new union had negotiated its first contract with the Board of Education, receiving protections previously not available and compensation for administrators and supervisors that recognized the unique jobs of this group of employees. ASASP has subsequently re-negotiated contracts, receiving additional protections and compensation, some only after declaring impasse and going to arbitration. Furthermore, it became the representative for a group of previously unrepresented middle-management employees and successfully negotiated an agreement that provided this group with protections and compensation commensurate with its needs. ASASP has also taken leadership in the State of Maryland in bringing together other similar unions to form the Maryland State Association of Administrators and Supervisors (MASAS) in an effort to deal with issues at the State level. With the added benefits offered by the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), ASASP is one of the strongest administrative and supervisory unions in Maryland. As we continue to strengthen ourselves and our own sense of security, so benefits our school system.