Post Election: Let's Get to Work

This election was a victory for civics because so many people did their duty and voted.  

For educators, this election was a turning point as many of our colleagues went above and beyond their voting obligations and ran for office. According to NEA, over 1800 educators ran for public office this election cycle.

One of the best headlines post election was: Connecticut Educator Jahana Hayes wins congressional seat. Jahana was not only was the 2016 National Teacher of the Year, she is also a school administrator. In addition, Education Week reports that Four Principals Win Seats in Oklahoma's Statehouse.

This is just the beginning of a new day.

Next year, there will be more educators holding high public office, meaning that there will be even greater understanding in the political sphere of the importance of education and the challenges faced by schools. The new Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, was the state superintendent. The incoming Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, was a college professor. And the incoming Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, was a public school teacher.

Overall, the election results indicate the America people are still very split on the way the country should be governed and a direction for our future.

With the Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives, while at the same time the Republican expanding their majority in the U.S. Senate, voters are pushing for more cooperation moving forward.

Its time our elected leaders step-up and govern. We need to find ways to come together in Washington, DC and across the country to set aside differences and unite. We must develop real solutions to the pressing issues facing our nation, especially in the area of educating our children.

AFSA is ready and willing to work with this Administration and Congress to address the issues facing our nations schools