US Dept of Ed --- Pushing D.C. school voucher program Expansion

POLITICO Pro reports that "education Secretary Betsy DeVos called on Congress to rewrite the law governing federal D.C. school vouchers to include automatic funding increases for the program."

They continued to report. "It is imperative that Congress not only reauthorize this program but do so with predictability and stability," DeVos said in remarks at a Heritage Foundation event celebrating the 15th anniversary of the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program."

"Funding for the program is currently subject to annual appropriations set by Congress. But DeVos said that she's concerned with the lack of certainty that provides. The Obama administration, for example, sought to eliminate funding for the program."

"DeVos said that Congress should include "an automatic growth piece" in the program to allow more students in D.C. to participate."

"The demand continues to be unmet," DeVos said. "Parents continue to want more choices."