
The unions representing construction workers throughout the United States have endorsed President Biden for reelection.
Starbucks has committed more than 400 violations of federal labor law, including firing 59 union leaders and supporters.

Lizzy Crispin headed the committee that led Leonardo da Vinci High School to become the first and only Blue Ribbon high school in Buffalo, New York.

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Not only is teaching and learning more challenging when large numbers of students are frequently missing class, such elevated levels of chronic absence can easily overwhelm a school’s capacity to respond.
By joining AFSA, every member has gained access to a dedicated team of people that offers invaluable insights, unwavering support and comprehensive research.
Collaborating with school districts, states and others, universities can better align their principal preparation programming with the best available evidence, defying expectations about institutional resistance to change.
Two new reports and an ongoing case in Washington State show it is—in worker pain, injuries and suffering.
By bringing veterans into our schools, we not only provide them with a meaningful second career, but also infuse our education system with a wealth of skills, leadership qualities, and real-world experience.

Happy Veterans Day!

Veterans and working people face the same issues—a lack of good jobs, access to quality health care, and the need for racial and economic justice.