
The highly anticipated 17th Triennial AFSA Constitutional Convention will take place in Las Vegas in July 2025. 

AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.
The unions representing construction workers throughout the United States have endorsed President Biden for reelection.

Recent News

House Democrats praise SEL programs, Republicans criticize spending.
More than 90% of the nation’s 5,400 minor league baseball players signed National Labor Relations Board union election authorization cards to join the Major League Baseball Players Association.
"We are so excited to see the MLBPA join the AFL-CIO," said American Federation of School Administrators President Dr. Leonard P. Pugliese. "No matter if you work in a factory, hit a ball on a field or run a school, we are all workers united together wanting a collective voice on the jobs we do everyday. As I always say, union equals power."
The White House is focusing on spreading the word about the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program limited waiver for educators, school personnel, administrators, professors and other employees at all education levels.

For Liz Shuler, the last year has been a whirlwind.

Grants will expand capacity of local educators to implement community- and school-based strategies to help prevent community violence and mitigate the impacts of exposure to community violence.