AFSA Constitutional Amendment 2022

Amend ARTICLE I, Section 2, to authorize the creation of an AFSA retiree chapter and to read as follows (new or added phrases are indicated in bold and underlined):

Jurisdiction. AFSA shall be comprised of (a) affiliated local unions, whose members include individuals employed in or retired from education, public or private, or other public or private non-profit service as administrators or supervisors, such as (without limitation) principals, directors, chairpersons, assistants in each of such title, and all persons in the category of educational administrators or supervisors, except chief school district officers such as chancellors or superintendents of schools; (b) affiliated organizing committees; (c) affiliated state or regional councils/federations; and (d) an AFSA retiree chapter. The General Executive Board may create a special class of individual membership titled member at large with such rights and benefits as the General Executive Board may determine.

Amend ARTICLE II to establish an AFSA retiree chapter by addition of the following:

Section 9. AFSA Retiree Chapter. Upon retirement a member of an AFSA local union may continue AFSA membership through membership in the local union’s retiree chapter which includes membership in the AFSA retiree chapter. If an AFSA local union does not have a retiree chapter, a retired member of an AFSA local union may continue AFSA membership by joining the AFSA retiree chapter directly. A retired educational supervisor or administrator who is not a member of an AFSA local union at the time of retirement may become an AFSA member by joining the AFSA retiree chapter directly.