Grow Your Own Administrators Programs and Our Profession

WHEREAS, public school administrators play a crucial role in educating our nations children; and

WHEREAS, local aspiring teachers and educators understand the educational needs of the local student population; and

WHEREAS, highly qualified teachers and educators should be encouraged to become school administrators; and

WHEREAS, local AFSA members have the talent and experience to act as mentors and coaches for aspiring school administrators;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that AFSA locals should work to partner with their local school districts to identify, mentor and train local highly qualified teachers and educators to become school administrators; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the members of the American Federation of School Administrators work with their local school districts to develop career paths for teachers and educators to become school administrators; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the American Federation of School Administrators encourage all its locals to work with their local school districts to develop a grow our own administrator career path program.