
Whereas, federal policies for performance standards, educator evaluations and strategies for turning around underperforming schools have been developed without input from the school leaders responsible for overseeing these policies; and

Whereas, these policies do not take into account the wide disparities in the makeup of school populations, family incomes, economic circumstances and the impact of poverty on school performance;and Whereas, policymakers’ decisions reflect a regrettable indifference, if not ignorance of, the socioeconomic dynamics and disparate performance histories of school districts, states and regions impacted by their policy pronouncements;and

Whereas, the informed views of frontline school administrators and principals are essential for the development of meaningful and achievable education policies;and

Whereas, AFSA shares with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) the importance of advancing such an informed strategic perspective;and

Whereas, AFSA, NAESP AND NASSP have worked in collaboration to ensure that principals’ unique voices are heard in the development of federal education policies and that sufficient support and resources are allocated to ensure that resources are allocated to complement principals’ crucial work in improving student achievement;

Therefore be it resolved,that delegates to the AFSA 2015 Triennial Convention strongly endorse and support the work of AFSA, NAESP and NASSP in the interest of ensuring that federal education policies reflect the realities and necessities of the school communities those policies aim to effect.