Resolution 10 —Support Collective Bargaining and Active Participation in School District Policy Making

WHEREAS, policies created by elected officials, school board members and school districts across the nation have a direct impact on American Federation of School Administrators members, staff and the students we serve; and

WHEREAS, American Federation of School Administrators members are the ones tasked with implementing the policies created at the district level in their schools; and 

WHEREAS, American Federation of School Administrators members, who are the leaders or our nation’s public schools, have the knowledge, expertise, experience and capabilities to help craft district policies and to make district policies successful in their schools;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Federation of School Administrators strongly encourages local unions around the country to push for a stronger voice in school districts through the collective bargaining process; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that every American Federation of School Administrators local should actively participate in the necessary school district committees, coalitions and task forces to ensure the voice of the school leader is represented when district policies are being created; and that the American Federation of School Administrators will assist its locals wherever possible in gaining a seat at the table in these discussions, and through various trainings and resources.