Resolution 6 — Building Stronger Local Unions Through Labor Training

WHEREAS, when administrators are trained in the labor movement, all union members benefit and win better wages, health care, benefits and retirement protections; and

WHEREAS, the American Federation of School Administrators understands that the knowledge of organized labor’s mission, goals and actions will provide the continuance of collective bargaining rights and support our ability to negotiate these basic rights; and

WHEREAS, internal organizing, professional development and engagement of our members must be expanded to engage rank-and-file members, and prepare them to become union leaders;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Federation of School Administrators will continue to provide expert trainings to further develop leaders at its locals; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the American Federation of School Administrators will continue to offer trainings about key labor topics, on strengthening our affiliate organizations, and increasing local and member engagement.