
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.
The unions representing construction workers throughout the United States have endorsed President Biden for reelection.
Federal government announces new efforts on educator pathways and benefits.

Recent News

The President—finally—did the right thing and opened the federal government for the next three weeks after a completely unnecessary 35 day shutdown.

As Mary Lewis of Mars, Pa., marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in D.C., she carried a handmade sign that symbolized what this years Women's March seemed to be all about: More resistance to Donald Trump.

We are pleased that leaders of the Los Angeles Teachers Union and the school district have reached an agreement that addresses many critical issues and will allow classes to resume.
POLITICO Pro reports that "education Secretary Betsy DeVos called on Congress to rewrite the law governing federal D.C. school vouchers to include automatic funding increases for the program."
Your monthly investment in AFSA provides a number of benefits including a host of insurance policies. However, AFSA must have your most current information on file.
The new president of the Air Line Pilots Association told GOP President Donald Trump that his shutdown/lockout of federal air transportation workers endangers air traffic safety.
The streets of Los Angeles are packed with the sights and sounds of collective action this week.