
Whereas, Bullying of children and young adults is a serious problem across the nation and; Whereas, educators, parents, students and community members are becoming increasingly aware of this national problem; and

Whereas, we as school administrators work daily to provide a safe and secure school environment where students can learn and teachers can teach; and

Whereas, we as school administrators should strive to help educate students, parents, and staff members in an effort to raise awareness about the signs of bullying, and work towards developing a positive school climate which addresses bullying issues; and

Whereas, we as school administrators should help develop a strong professional development plan, to be used with parents and staff members to highlight ways of combating the problem of bullying at the school, in the community and in homes; and

Therefore be it resolved, that the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), AFL-CIO, adopt as a policy that we urge members to assist in developing strong anti-bullying programs in our schools to educate students, parents, and staff members about bullying issues that all of us face daily in our communities; and

Be it further resolved, that AFSA supports anti-bullying activities such as The Bully Project and 1 Million Kids; and

Be it further resolved, that AFSA endorse national and local programs that support school administrators with training, resources, and knowledge aimed at ending bullying in our society