Collective Bargaining Rights

Whereas, the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) is a member of the AFL-CIO ; and

Whereas, as part of the Labor Movement, AFSA fights to protect and strengthen the rights of all workers; and

Whereas, the wages, benefits and safe working conditions negotiated by unions have translated into improved benefits for all workers; and

Whereas, strong unions have been the foundation for a strong middle class; and Whereas, children from union families have a greater chance to be successful in school and future employment; and

Whereas, collective bargaining strengthens the voice of workers, increases job security and helps employers by reducing labor turnover; and

Whereas, in the absence of collective bargaining, employers are free to act arbitrarily and unilaterally against employees; and

Whereas, state collective bargaining laws and rights for public sector employees including school and non-school based supervisors and administrators are under assault

Therefore be it resolved, that AFSA will support the adoption of legislation in states to preserve and strengthen collective bargaining rights for public and private sector employees, including education supervisors, school administrators and early childhood supervisors; and

Be it further resolved, that AFSA stands in solidarity with public and private employees and their unions in states with recently proposed or enacted anti-collective bargaining laws covering public and or private sector workers, including education supervisors, school administrators and early childhood supervisors