Cyber Bullying

Whereas, children and young adults are increasingly using the Internet, social media and other electronic forms of communication; and

Whereas, incidents of cyber bullying are growing more prevalent and harmful to many students; and

Whereas, problems resulting from cyber bullying often arise in schools, demanding more staff time while posing a threat to a safe and positive school climate; and

Whereas, school administrators have very limited control over students activity and exposure to the Internet, social media and other electronic forms of communication after school hours

Therefore be it resolved, that the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) insists that remedies to this growing concern be immediate and include all education personnel, government agencies, civic organizations and parent groups in framing a response; and

Be it further resolved, that AFSA urges states and districts to implement clear policies regarding cyber bullying issues, assign increased staff to address cyber bullying incidents, and offer high quality training for all education personnel in how to properly handle cyber bulling issues; and

Be it further resolved, that AFSA supports the development of an anti-cyber bullying curriculum and advocates that funding be provided for specialized staff to address and resolve individual situations arising from cyber bullying