Leadership Development

Whereas, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, overall, a higher percentage of principals with the highest level of experience at any school (10 or more years) left the profession in 200809, compared with principals with the lowest level of experience at any school (less than three years); and

Whereas, standards for school leaders with strong educational backgrounds have changed as a result of the reform movement; and

Whereas, experienced school leaders are being replaced by newly trained school leaders with little or no experience in schools; and

Whereas, school leaders are ultimately held responsible for the educational and professional culture in a school, and establishing a safe and secure learning environment that is conducive to high quality learning; and

Whereas, AFSA represents principals, assistant principals and a variety of administrative/supervisory staff in education-related positions

Therefore be it resolved, that AFSA will lead and support its members by recognizing that Assistant/Vice Principals, Curriculum Leaders, Program Directors, Heads of Departments and all other Supervisory Staff members have an integral role in a schools leadership in addition to the school principal; and

Be it further resolved, AFSA will encourage the development of leadership programs by supporting federal and state funded programs that provide the necessary training for advancement of Educational Supervisors to become School Principals, and which are research based, creative and pedagogically sound; and

Be it further resolved, AFSA will support its locals in identifying best practices in leadership development; and Be it further resolved, AFSA will continue striving to serve as a resource for individuals, school districts, affiliates, universities and professional training programs; and

Be it further resolved, AFSA will support the hiring of experienced educators to school leadership positions/systems