
WHEREAS, when educators and all working people join together in a union, we all win better wages, health care, benefits and retirement protections; and

WHEREAS, AFSA understands that attacks on unions, including the Janus v. AFSCMEU.S. Supreme Court case, as well as schemes to prohibit payroll deduction, require annual union recertification and the elimination of collective bargaining rights, are constant threats to our ability to negotiate for these basic rights; and

WHEREAS, when working people have a seat at the table, we have a voice in the agenda; and

WHEREAS, over the past four years, the AFL-CIO, along with the AFL-CIO state federations and affiliated unions, have focused on recruiting labor candidates and winning elections across the country;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that AFSA encourages more of our members to run for public office by creating state-level programs to train and support labor candidates.